Species Index

Lichmera indistincta
(Vigors and Horsfield, 1827)

Common Name: Brown Honeyeater

Distribution: The Brown Honeyeater is distributed is distributed widely across Australia, with the exception of the more arid regions of Western and South Australia, western New South Wales. It is largely absent south of Sydney and in Victoria.

Ecological Notes: It is found in a wide range of wooded habitats, including mangroves and dense forests along waterways, heaths and salt-marshes. It frequents parks and gardens in urban areas and remnant foliage along roadways. It may be nomadic or partly nomadic in response to flowering plants.

Additional Notes: The Brown Honeyeater is a medium-small pale grey-brown honeyeater which can be recognised by the distinctive yellow tuft behind its eye. It also has yellow to olive wing patches and tail panels. It is pale grey below, darker olive brown above and has a long curved black bill.  It has a fast, undulating flight and is seen either singly, in pairs or small flocks in flowering trees and shrubs, where it feeds on nectar and insects.

References: Birds in Backyards at Accessed 29/12/2024