Ptereleotris evides
(Jordan and Hubbs, 1925)

Common Name: Arrow Dartgoby

Distribution: Common in the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific region, from the Red Sea and East Africa to the Line and Society Islands, north to Ryuku and Ogasawara Islands, south to Lord Howe and Rapa Islands. In Australia recorded from Exmouth in Western Australia north to the Timor Sea, from the north of the Great Barrier Reef south to northern New South Wales and including Lord Howe Island.

Ecological Notes: Frequents outer reefs and slopes, lagoons and bays. Depth to 15 m.

Additional Notes: Forebody lighter darkening toward tail, tapering dorsal and anal fins giving arrow like appearance. Usually observed 1 or 2 metres above the substrate feeding on zooplankton. Often in pairs, juveniles may form aggregations. Tends to swim away rather than retreat to a burrow when disturbed. Grows to 14 cm.

References: R. Stuart-Smith, G. Edgar, A. Green, I. Shaw, Tropical Marine Fishes of Australia. Reed New Holland Publishers, 2015. p.412.

Atlas of Living Australia website at Accessed 09/06/18.

FishBase. Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2018. World Wide Web electronic publication. Accessed 09/06/18.