Phyllacanthus parvispinus
(Tension Woods, 1878)

Distribution: Abundant throughout the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Known from the east coast of Australia from Cape Howe New South Wales to Airlie Beach in Queensland.

Ecological Notes: Frequents areas of heavy wave action, feeding at night on encrusting plants and animals scraped from the substrate. Depth to 80 m.

Additional Notes: Solid dark purple urchin with large rounded primary spines. Secondary spines are flat and most obvious around the base of the primary spines. Smaller juvenile in second photograph, less common pale specimen in bottom photograph. Test diameter to about 90 mm with spines up to 70 mm long.

References: Graham J. Edgar. Australian Marine Life, 2nd Edition, 2008. Reed New Holland Publishers. p.413.

Atlas of Living Australia website at Accessed 12/10/2018.

Identification thanks to Ashley Miskelly, Echinoid Taxonomist, The Sea Urchin Science Centre and Gallery, Kurrajong, NSW.