Omobranchus anolius
(Valenciennes, 1836)

Common Name: Oyster Blenny

Distribution: Common in estuarine areas of the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Distributed throughout the Western Pacific region, eastern Australia from the Gulf of Carpentaria in the north to Spencer Gulf in South Australia, excluding Tasmania.

Ecological Notes: Prefers shallow estuarine areas, frequenting oyster habitat. Specimens shown photographed in depths of 3 m.

Additional Notes: Adults with prominent hump just behind eyes, females and juveniles without. Eggs are demersal and adhesive, attached to the substrate and guarded until hatched. Grows to 7.5 cm

References: R. Stuart-Smith, G. Edgar, A. Green, I. Shaw, Tropical Marine Fishes of Australia. Reed New Holland Publishers, 2015. p.376.

Atlas of Living Australia website at Accessed 17/06/18.

FishBase. Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2018. World Wide Web electronic publication. Accessed 17/06/18.