Species Index

Numenius phaeopus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common name: Whimbrel

Distribution: Coastal mainland Australia and Tasmania.

Ecological notes: Frequents intertidal mudflats and sandflats, especially estuaries, mangrove swamps, coral cays, exposed reefs, bays, harbours, lagoons and flooded paddocks, sewage ponds, grasslands and lawns. The whimbrel feeds in small groups and eats small crabs and other crustaceans, worms. Fruit and seed also taken.

Additional notes: widespread Eurasian wader, breeds north-east Siberia, wintering from south-east Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Regular summer migrant to coastal Australia (August to April). Regular visitor to Lord Howe and Norfolk Island. Often seen together with the similar looking Far Eastern Curlew which has much longer curved bill.

References: The Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. Graham Pizzey and Frank Knight. 9th Edition edited by Sarah Pizzey. Harper Collins Publishers Pty Ltd. p 200.

The complete guide to Australian Birds. George Adams. Penguin Random House Australia 2018. p 144.