Distribution: Probably uncommon in the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific Ocean. Recorded from the Red Sea, Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean and American Samoa and Okinawa in the Pacific Ocean. In Australia on the east coast known from southern Queensland and northern New South Wales.
Ecological Notes: Known to feed on pink sponge, possibly Darwinella sp. Depth range from intertidal to at least 30 m.
Additional Notes: Body colour opaque pink or white with a series of irregular orange dashes or blotches around the margin. The rhinophores have a white base with orange tips, the seven simple gills are uniformly white, the tips of the anterior most flushed with orange towards the tip. Grows to at least 14 mm in length.
References: Undersea Jewels, A colour guide to nudibranchs, Gary Cobb and Richard C Willan. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra, 2006. p176.
Australian Museum, Sea Slug Forum. http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/noumsim. Accessed 08/09/2018.