Distribution: Common throughout the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Ranges throughout the tropical Indo- Western Pacific region. In Australia recorded from around Geraldton in Western Australia, across the tropical north, the Coral Sea and Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, south to around Taree in New South Wales, and including Lord Howe Island.
Ecological notes: Secrete themselves in crevices and caves, under rocks and coral slabs for protection during daylight hours.
Additional notes: Dorsum fawn or off-white with three indistinct broad brown bands, the whole overlain with scribbled brown line pattern. Similar and difficult to distinguish from Mauritia arabica, but lacks the callus on the margins and has a more cylindrical elongated body. Grows to 75 mm.
References: Cowries of New South Wales, David Tarrant, published by David Tarrant, Coffs Harbour, NSW, 2016. p.56