Madrella sanguinea
(Angas, 1864)

Distribution: Possibly seasonally common in the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Known from Indo-West Pacific with recordings in Bali and Japan. In Australia recorded from east coast as far south as Victoria and Tasmania.

Ecological Notes: Known to feed on the bryozoan Mucropetraliella ellerii. Depth range from intertidal to at least 5m.

Additional Notes: Rusty red colouration with white or cream on, and bridging between, the rhinophores. Grows to 33 mm, specimen pictured about 10 mm.

References: Gary Cobb, David Mullins, Nudibranchs Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition, 2015. Publishers Thomas Slone, Masalai Press and Tim Hochgrebe, Underwater Australasia. p.252.

Robert Burn, 2015. Museum Victoria Field Guides: Nudibranchs and related molluscs. Museum Victoria, Melbourne. p.198.

Australian Museum, Sea Slug Forum. Accessed 12/08/18.