Distribution: Rare in the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Recorded from the Western Pacific region; New Caledonia and eastern Australia. In Australia recorded from Heron Island, the Sunshine Coast and Tangalooma in Moreton Bay. This the southernmost confirmed record in Australia.
Ecological Notes: Specimen pictured on rocky reef, depth of 12 m.
Additional Notes: The mantle colouring is very complex. The inner section has large, irregular, creamy or dull orange pustules. The background colour of the mantle is turquoise blue. The pustules closer to the mantle margin are white and there are fawn reticulations that almost encircle the outer pustules. The mantle edge is a diffuse sky-blue colour, darkening at the edge. The foot has white pustules in a blue-grey reticulate pattern. The rhinophores are fawn, the rhinophore club with a basal white band and there is a white line down the posterior midline. The smaller gills are fawn with opaque white patches, the larger gills are white. Grows to at least 7 cm.
References: Undersea Jewels, A colour guide to nudibranchs, Gary Cobb and Richard C Willan. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra, 2006. p. 141.
Atlas of Living Australia website at https://bie.ala.org.au/search?q=glossodoris+aeruginosa. Accessed 20/01/2023.
Australian Museum, Sea Slug Forum. http://www.seaslugforum.net/showall/glosaeru. Accessed 20/01/2023.