Distribution: Rare in the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Recorded from the Western Central Pacific region and the Philippines. In Australia recorded from Broome in Western Australia and northern Queensland at Innisfail and Yeppoon.
Ecological Notes: Coral and rocky reef, depth to at least 15 m. This specimen found in coral rubble dominated by giant anemone species.
Additional Notes: Conical, pure white shell, deep sutures between whorls. Each whorl with 8 – 14 varices, each varix with a characteristic hook near the top of the whorl. Aperture almost circular, closed by a thin, multi-spiral, horny operculum. Many of this genus are commensal on sea anemones or corals, which they feed upon with a long proboscis. This specimen shell length 2 cm, grows to 26 mm.
References: A field guide to Australian Shells, Prosobranchs and Gastropods, B. R. Wilson and Kieth Gillett. Reed Books Pty Ltd, reprinted 1985. p 62.
iNaturalist website at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/40942060, accessed 27/02/2022.
Palomares, M.L.D. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2018. SeaLifeBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.sealifebase.org, version (06/2018). https://www.sealifebase.ca/summary/Epitonium-pyramidale.html. Accessed 27/02/2020.
Atlas of Living Australia website at https://bie.ala.org.au/search?q=Epitonium+%28Hirtoscala%29+pyramidale. Accessed 27/02/2020.