Species Index

Dolabella auricularia
(Lightfoot, 1786)

Distribution: Common in the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Distributed throughout the Indo-West Pacific and North-West Pacific oceans. In Australia recorded from Exmouth in Western Australia, around the tropical north, south to southern New South Wales, and including Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands.

Ecological Notes: Frequents sheltered bays and lagoons, especially intertidal areas.

Additional Notes: Variable colourations, mottled greens and browns. Well camouflaged amongst algaes and seaweeds, emits large cloud of reddish purple ink if stepped on or disturbed. Feeds on a variety of brown, green and red macroalgae. Grows to at least 400 mm.

References: Gary Cobb, David Mullins, Nudibranchs Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition, 2015. Publishers Thomas Slone, Masalai Press and Tim Hochgrebe, Underwater Australasia. p.53.

Atlas of Living Australia website at Accessed 29/07/18.