Common Name: Threespot Humbug
Distribution: Abundant throughout the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Widespread tropical Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to the Line and Pitcairn Islands, north to southern Japan, south to Sydney in Australia. In Australia recorded from Geraldton in Western Australia, across the tropical north to Torres Strait, south through Queensland to central New South Wales and including Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands.
Ecological Notes: Adults frequent shallow coral and rocky reefs, often in small to large aggregations. Depth to 55 m.
Additional Notes: Plain coloured, adults sometimes grey or black without white spots. Juveniles often commensal with giant anemones, sea urchins or coral heads. Often seen feeding in the water column, diet includes algae, copepods and other planktonic crustaceans. Grow to 14 cm.
References: R. Stuart-Smith, G. Edgar, A. Green, I. Shaw, Tropical Marine Fishes of Australia. Reed New Holland Publishers, 2015. p.260.
FishBase. Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2018. World Wide Web electronic publication. Accessed 24/05/18.
Atlas of Living Australia website at Accessed 24/05/18.