Ctenochaetus binotatus
(Randall, 1955)

Common Name: Twospot Bristletooth

Distribution: Adults uncommon in the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific region, from East Africa to the Tuamoto Islands, north to southern Japan, south to New Caledonia and Australia. In Australia recorded from Shark Bay in Western Australia, throughout the tropical north, south from far north Queensland to northern New South Wales. 

Ecological Notes: Frequents coral and rocky reef areas to a depth of at least 50 m. 

Additional Notes: Adults rare but juveniles often seen in the Solitary Islands Marine Park, easily recognised by the yellow caudal fin and blue ring around the eye. Adults sometimes difficult to distinguish from the similar looking Acanthurus nigrofuscus, the blue ring around the eye the main distinguishing feature. Feed by grazing on surface algae, including some that produce ciguatera toxin. Small juvenile around 40 mm pictured here. Grows to 22 cm.

References: R. Stuart-Smith, G. Edgar, A. Green, I. Shaw, Tropical Marine Fishes of Australia. Reed New Holland Publishers, 2015. p.430.

FishBase. Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2018. World Wide Web electronic publication. Accessed 23/05/18.